Left from Baraga State Park with the sun just breaking the horizon of Superior. The village of L'anse is just three miles away and my plan was to have coffee and breakfast at the Subway and also get a sub for lunch. This stretch of road doesn't have any services for about 40 miles - not a gas station, convenience store, restaurant or Indian casino. There is one small market about 8 miles before my intended destination and then again nothing for 10 miles after. It is really remote here so I have to figure out how to eat for the next 24 hours. So, back to the plan. Subway breakfast and lunch and find something in the market for dinner. Last resort is the could store with hot dogs and ice cream. Wouldn't you know, Subway opens late on Saturday in L'anse. I don't feel like killing an hour doing nothing so I have a protein bar and move on. So, 35+ miles later I pull into the market and load up with coffee, salami, cheese, Pringles and some assorted fruit. Dinner is...